Get your Prince Edward Island ACMPR License to Grow Medical Marijuana at Home in Prince Edward Island
We guarantee your Health Canada ACMPR license in Prince Edward Island for the personal production of up to 463 medical cannabis plants (95g per day) in your home or outside on your property.
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Cannabis Growing Canada gets your Medical Marijuana Grow License up to 95g per day (463 plants) or Your Money Back.
- Compassionate Practitioners
- Help with Approvals
- Low Cost Renewals
- No Stress Appointments
Prince Edward Island Cannabis Rules – Everything you Need to Know
If you are from Prince Edward Island, you are probably wondering what the PEI Cannabis Rules are. These rules apply if you are in Charlottetown, Summerside, Stratford, Three Rivers, Cornwall, North Shore, and all cities and towns in PEI.
Prince Edward Island is one of Canada’s most beautiful provinces, and not just because it on the water.
This island province is home to popular outdoor attractions like Prince Edward Island National Park and Confederation Bridge.
But that’s not all the area has to offer; as of October 17th, you can also find legal recreational weed here.
The Canada government legalized recreational marijuana throughout the nation, allowing for buying, smoking, and even growing your own plants.
Although it is legal everywhere, the laws from province to province are different.
Would you like an ACMPR medical license to grow up to 500 plants at home in Prince Edward Island?
Prince Edward Island Cannabis Rules FAQ
What is the legal age for recreational weed on PEI?
As long as you are 19 or older on Prince Edward Island, you’re good to go if you want to buy weed.
The government isn’t trying to keep people from having fun, but just prevent weed from getting into the wrong hands.
What happens if you are illegally caught buying or selling
Anyone caught under age with weed can be fined or face criminal charges depending on the amount in possession and seriousness of the offense.
If you are caught selling to minors, there will be significant fines and penalties and even potential jail time.
According to the Prince Edward Island Cannabis Rules, where can you buy your weed?
The Prince Edward Island Cannabis Management Corporation will manage everything in terms of buying weed.
They’ll offer four retail shops around the island and also run an online store.
If you don’t live near a retail location, no worries.
You can choose from a wide range of quality strains online and have your weed delivered right to your doorstep.
Not only will you be able to buy dry cannabis, but you’ll also have access to cannabis oils and seeds for growing.
What are the laws regarding possession on PEI?
Just like the rest of Canada, the legal limit for possession in public is 30 grams, but there are no restrictions to how much you can have at home.
This might change in the future, but for now Prince Edward Island cannabis rules don’t regulate how much you have in your private residence.
As long as you only purchase 30 grams – about one ounce – at a time you’re staying within legal limits.
Where can you legally smoke on PEI?
For now the only legal place you can smoke on Prince Edward Island is at home in your private residence.
There are a handful of designated areas in public spaces, but not many.
If you are staying in a rented house or apartment be sure to check with your landlord before you smoke.
Smoking in your car is completely off-limits and you’ll get a hefty fine if you’re caught.
Is growing your own plants legal on PEI?
Most of the Canadian provinces and territories are allowing residents to grow their own recreational plants, and Prince Edward Island is no exception.
At any time you can only have four plants in your home, but they have to be in a designated growing spot away from common areas.
If you would like to grow more than 4 plants, let us help. Contact us to legally grow up to 490 plants.
How to Get your ACMPR License in Prince Edward Island
Get your Prince Edward Island ACMPR License
Next day appointment for residents in less than 24 hours
Submit Your Prince Edward Island Info
Get started by entering your email in any of our contact forms and get an instant response with detailed information of our process, including the ACMPR cost.
Speak with a Health Canada Doctor in Prince Edward Island
After you let us know how many grams per day you would like, we book your call with our doctor. He will review our recommendations, and prescribe you the appropriate grams per day we discussed.
Mail Your Application from Prince Edward Island
Our doctor will approve you instantly, and we then express mail you your prescription. When the prescription arrives you fill out the ACMPR application with our help, and send it to Health Canada.
Receive Your Prince Edward Island ACMPR License
Health Canada will register your prescription and send you your license. You are now legal to grow medical marijuana at home in Canada!
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- Detailed information of and Health Canada process;
Materials: online form for ACMPR License in ; Consultation with Health Canada Doctor in ; Mail application via Canada Post from ; Receive ACMPR license from Health Canada to your home address in ;
Get started on your medical grow license today!
Step 1: Enter your email to book your Prince Edward Island ACMPR license appointment today
- Compassionate Practitioners Required
- Help with Approvals
- Low Cost Renewals
- No Stress Appointments
If you aren’t from Prince Edward Island, check below to learn about the Cannabis Act rules and regulations for your province.
Cannabis Act in British Colombia
Cannabis Act in Newfoundland and Labrador
Cannabis Act in Northwest Territories
Cannabis Act in Prince Edward Island
Get your ACMPR Grow License in Prince Edward Island for up to 95g per day (463 plants)
- No Medical History Required
- Everyone Approved
- Low Cost Renewals
- Real Health Canada Doctors
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If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to drop us a line below!
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Cannabis Growing Canada is based out of Ottawa Ontario, and serves patients in every Canada coast to coast
To find out more information about the ACMPR license please contact us. You will receive an instant reply with all of our policies and prices